Open Events

RAK Open events v 2



Our open events offer parents and their children the perfect chance to visit the school and see us in operation. This is an opportunity to meet students from years 7 to 11 who will show you around the school and you will have the opportunity to visit classrooms and sit in real lessons taking place. 

There will be a talk from the headteacher and you will have the opportunity to talk to teachers, senior leadership team members and our student services team. 

Our main open evening takes place on Thursday 10th October from 5:30 - 7:30pm and this does not need to be booked - we are looking forward to welcoming you to our school. 

Open Mornings are planned for the following days and can be booked below:  

1st October Open Morning 9:00-10:30am -

4th October Open Morning 9:00-10:30am -

10th October Open Evening 9:00-10:30am 

11th October Open Morning 9:00-10:30am


Please contact if you need more information.