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HSG wows Helen Pankhurst & appear on legendary CBBC Newsround - Day of the Girl
The school was awash with colour as we celebrated International day of the Girl. Students and staff did us proud with a wide range of countries & cultures represented through their dress for the day. As part of our events, we were extremely privileged to be working alongside renowned activist Helen Pankhurst (Great grandaughter of Suffragette Leader Emmeline) and CARE international, a global charity tackling poverty and working to realise the potential of women and girls; a cause which very much aligns with our school ethos.
Earlier this term, Ms Pankhurst presented an assembly with the whole of year 8 and following this, supported with a workshop and student interviews. It is these student interviews which were used for their film juxpositioning views with our students alongside views from Somalian girls when posed the same question. We'll leave you to make your own judgements about the film, but we hope you can watch and come away with a view about the kind of school we are, the kind of students we have, and how proud we are of the social and political awareness of a Hornsey student. We are unique in Haringey and think this film https://youtu.be/eRlkA0Kx9Pg shows why.
Photos of staff and students are on our Facebook page. Links to other relevant media about the project can be found below
Ms Pankhurst's Metro article featuring her view of HSG https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/11/the-world-would-be-a-richer-place-if-girls-had-power-10900978/
CBBC Newsround Day of the Girl https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/49991700