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Camera & Data allowance increase information for online lessons
Dear Student, Parents and Carers
Congratulations on surviving and indeed thriving during our second week of remote school! Thank you for all your hard work and for the positive feedback from students, staff and parents
As we continue to improve our systems please be aware of the following information regarding cameras in lessons:
Students must have their cameras on during lessons. We must be able to identify students for safeguarding purposes and we need to be able to have face to face discussions in lessons.
Students are continually reminded of this but in some cases are still not turning their cameras on. This slows the lesson and interrupts the learning of others. We recognise that in some instances this is for a genuine reason (ie faulty camera etc) and where a student verbally informs us that this is the case then we will contact you for confirmation and make a short list of students who are exempt. However, unless there are exceptional circumstances we need students to have their cameras on. Please be aware that if a student does not show themselves or speak they will be removed from the lesson and we will contact you.
We are aware of a number of students who are possibly taking advantage of this policy and their parents and carers will be receiving contact from our staff as this is voluntary absence from lessons and will be recorded as an absence from Wednesday 20th January.
We have also contacted a number of families directly regarding the government assistance available to increase mobile data allowances during this period of lockdown lessons. If you believe you can benefit from this please complete the following link by Friday 22nd January so we can contact the relevant mobile providers on your behalf.
Thank you to the vast majority of our school community who are following guidelines and for the families/ carers who are really trying their hardest to ensure continuity of lessons with our teachers. We value your support and are constantly reviewing our provision.