Latest News
Vaccination Information and Webinar
You will be aware from the news that following recommendation from the Chief Medical Officers, the government’s decision to vaccinate 12-15 year olds has been made. On Monday 1st November NHS England will be in our school, offering all students aged 12 -15 year olds a COVID-19 vaccination.
The school will be closed for all students on this date as it is a pre-planned INSET teacher training day and students will be given a separate time to attend for the vaccination.
Participation in the programme is via consent only, which is provided electronically via a consent form managed by Vaccination UK which was emailed to all parents/ carers by us on the 5th October. Should you wish your child to receive the vaccine, it is therefore essential that you complete the electronic consent form before Friday 31st October
In addition to the information emailed to you, Haringey Public Health are hosting a vaccination webinar to provide further information - details and a link are provided in the section below. The webinar will also allow parents/ carers to post questions in advance for the panel. Please do post any questions directly using the details below.
The school is not involved in the vaccination programme other than providing the site for the vaccination for our students. Therefore, please do not contact the school asking clinical questions or questions relating to consent as we cannot and will not answer these queries.The giving of consent is a personal matter between you and your child and as a school we will give you no view on this. If you have any queries regarding the programme please contact NHS England or Vaccination UK directly. The Team can be contacted on 0208 017 7925 and via email Haringey@v-uk.co.uk
After 18 months of persistent disruption our students and staff are enjoying being back at school in more ‘normal’ circumstances. it is hoped that the vaccination programme will further strengthen our community’s defence against the virus and enable our school to operate as safely as possible as we move into autumn and winter.
Thank you in advance for your support and understanding as we embrace yet another challenge in our quest to manage and adapt to living with this virus.
Vaccination webinar for parents of 12-15 year olds – Thursday 7 October
View PDF: 12-15 year olds vaccination webinar
Haringey Council and NCL CCG will be hosting a vaccination webinar on Thursday 7 October at 5.30pm, to address any concerns regarding the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine for 12-15 year olds in England.
This is a unique opportunity for parents and carers to ask Haringey clinicians and professionals any questions that they may have about vaccinating their child.
Panel members:
- Dr Sheena Patel, GP and Clinical Director, Haringey CCG
- Dr Will Maimaris, Director of Public Health at Haringey Council
Parents and carers will have the opportunity to submit questions anonymously prior to the event by submitting questions here: https://forms.office.com/r/Zzy7YqGRT2. It will also be possible to submit questions in the chat on the day.
Log on to the Vaccination for 12 to 15-year-old Webinar at 5:30pm on Thursday (7 October 2021) by clicking here or copy and paste the URL into your web browser: