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Posted on: November 29th 2021

Leader of the council & Cllr Chandwani come to visit!

We were delighted to welcome to the school former old girl Councillor Chandwani and Leader of the council Peray Ahmet to visit students and undertake a short socially distanced tour.

The tour was led by our  year 11 students Emilia, Bonnie, Georgina and Portal.  The whole event was presented and managed by Martha, ably supported by a number of our student leadership applicants from across all year groups.  

A roundtable discussion was held with each focused on key areas like Democracy in action, combatting violence against women and girls, local issues and changes undertaken by the council. 

'I have a scrutiny meeting later today and those questions would not be out of place' said Councillor Chandwani. We were delighted to hear her reminiscing about her time at the school (way back in 199-something) 

'It was great to be able to hear from you and hear feedback' said Peray Ahmet as part of her leaving comments

Ms Rahelu, who arranged the visit commented 'We are privileged to work in a diverse school and area. Events like these are important to increase political and social awareness of the power that our young people hold'   

A range of images are shared in our attached gallery 

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