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Come & Join Us! The PSA needs you!
Hornsey School PSA
The PSA has a really important role at Hornsey School and we would like to encourage as many parents to get involved in PSA events in any way that they can. Thank you to everyone who helped set up, run and clear up a stall and those that attended the Autumn Fair to support our students. We were really proud of the students’ stalls and entrepreneurial talents on show! We raised just under £2000 for the PSA and over £1000 for various charities.
Our PSA is about much more than simply fundraising. The PSA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together.
There is no better way than the PSA quiz that is being held on the 5th December. Tickets are £6 for quiz entry with food and £3 without food. There will be a PSA café/bar on the night and a range of exciting quiz rounds to see which team will win the cash prize kindly donated by Project 22 and most importantly the honour of being PSA quiz champions 2019! There are 60 tickets on sale via parent pay so get in quick and gather a team of 4-8 adults. If you are a new year 7 parent to the school and not sure if you can get a whole team together don’t worry, we have a Year 7 parents team that you can join.
The funds that the PSA raise are used in a number of ways. During the PSA meetings bids are discussed and long term projects voted on.
This year the PSA is supporting the following longer term projects;
- Development of a covered outside area/learning space and
- Garden project
The garden project is an exciting development of the space behind the sports hall with the aim to create a wonderful sustainable community space supporting mental health and wellbeing. Students in the gardening club will be working alongside a number of professionals who have kindly donated their time and expertise to help develop this space however we are looking for volunteers to help dig, plant and support this adventure. Please look out for further information about the garden if you are interested in helping out.
We are currently gathering quotes for the covered area, including living roof covered areas and once the range of quotes is in we will discuss these with the PSA & Ms Rahelu. This will be a significant cost and we are looking for parents to help with writing bids to support the fund raising potential
In addition, each year the PSA supports the Year 11 prom with help towards some of the costs to enable as many students to take part as possible, and students and staff at school are invited to bid for up to £500 for projects within the school. Last year students successfully bid for indoor water fountains, lunchtime play equipment and money towards a 3D laser printer.
The PSA welcomes all donations throughout the year. As many of us shop on line a few easy ways of increasing the amount that the PSA can raise are using the giving machine https://www.thegivingmachine.co.uk/causes/hornsey-school-for-girls/ and easy fundraising https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/hornseyschoolforgirls . When shopping on line if you register and shop through one of these sites we get a donation and you don’t have to do anything else. Almost guilt free shopping!
We are always looking for ways to support our students to enrich the opportunities that they have. We have for example had parents speaking about their role in global finance organisations during speed networking events and leading workshops on sustainable water use.
All parents and careers are automatically members of the PSA. Our next meeting will be on Monday 9th December at 4:30 in the library if you would like to attend. The agenda is the Winter Fair which will be on the 17th December.
One final call for support is for items for the Winter Fair. The tombola is often our most successful stall and we are looking for donations for this. Items such as biscuits, chocolates, candles and unwanted unused gifts are welcome donations and can be left in reception. This year we would like to raffle off Christmas Hampers and if you can donate any food items that can be made into a hamper please also pass these to reception.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the quiz on the 5th December and at the Winter Fair on the 17th December.
Please contact either psa@hornseyschool.com or charlotte.clarke@hornseyschool.com for further information on any PSA project or if you would like to offer your help or suggest a project.
Charlotte Clarke