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COVID-19 update Tues 17 March 2020
We will be providing regular updates for the next few weeks. It is our intention to continue to open as usual - we will continue to communicate with parents/carers through Groupcall, Twitter, Facebook and our website if this changes. We need to work together and differently with you during this time.
You will be aware from parent communications that the school has undertaken a number of steps to reduce students gathering together. The following measures are in place:
- We have increased the lunch time and will be staggering year groups to reduce mass gathering of students
-We have increased supply of hand gel in key areas of the school and will continue to do so over the following few days as additional supplies are delivered
-We have ensured that soap is available in all bathrooms and encouraged students to continue to practice good hand hygiene
- We have posters across the school reminding students of key ways to practice good hand/ health hygiene
- We will be opening the community theatre for the mornings to reduce students gathering solely in the canteen, and encouraging students to use the outside space where possible so that the canteen does not become a central meeting place with high proportions of students
- We have cancelled all assemblies so that students are in smaller groups
-We have increased our cleaning regime and use of disinfectants between use of groups of students (for example, at lunchtime)
- All overseas trips have been cancelled or postponed
-Any audience events - like our Dance Spectacular, have been cancelled - a full list is available in this letter https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/hornsey/uploads/lettershome/End-of-Spring-Term-2020-Letter-v4.pdf?t=1584371430
- Events involving outside speakers or training taking place on our site have also been cancelled.
- We will continue running year 11 interventions and Saturday interventions as these are for small groups of students. Please encourage your daughter to attend these as normal. If there are staffing changes we will inform you.
If you can provide your child with their own bottle of hand gel/ sanitiser, please do. Please do not send your daughter in if she is unwell or has a cough. We will be sending any students who are unwell home immediately.
We have noticed an increased number of students arriving to the school wearing surgical masks. This is causing high anxiety among other students. We want to be responsible and balanced -please remove these whilst at school unless there is a medical note to accompany them.
We recognise that following a change in advice, if your family needs to self-isolate, please do inform the school absence of this as the reason so this can be logged. Any student absence should be reported as usual.
We want to keep all our school community healthy. We need you to work with us in a responsible and measured way to keep the school open and our staff and students safe. Thank you for adapting to changing circumstances.
Further information can be found via government channels:
The Department for Education has launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows: Phone: 0800 046 8687 |