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COVID-19 update 18 March 2020
We are open as usual today but have started to have high staff absence as a direct result of government advice to self-isolate for anyone in the household who shows signs of a high temperature, a cough or any other symptoms associated with COVID-19. We are sorry that this means we will not be able to continue to function at full capacity as we have tried to do thus far.
As a result, we are advance planning and on Thursday 19th March and Friday 20th March we will release year 7, 8, 9 , 10 at the following times.
Year 7 – They will have lunch at the earlier time of 12pm and will be released from 12.30pm
Year 8 – They will have lunch at the earlier time of 12.20pm and will be released from 12.50pm
Year 9 – They will have their lunch at the usual time of 12.40pm and will be released at 1.40pm
Year 10 – will be released at 2:20pm
Year 11, and 13 – will continue until the end of the day.
If you are a key worker (Key workers are defined as those who work in the following areas:
- NHS workers including London Ambulance Service & St John’s Ambulance Service
- Police
- Fire
- Prison & Probation Services
- Teachers (those in schools which have not closed)
- Social workers, nursery nurses, educational psychologists, therapists employed by the NHS
- Firefighters
- Certain MOD personell
We will be welcoming your child regardless of year group, but it is highly likely that they will not be following their usual timetable. Please note that classes are likely to be managed differently for all students.
If you are a parent/ carer that will struggle with these changes, please contact gail.beswick@hornseyschool.com confirming that your daughter should not be released at this time, as we recognise that these changes place additional pressure on you during a time when we need to work together differently.
- We have had a high proportion of students with absence. Please follow usual absence procedures and let us know if you are a family unit self-isolating. If your child is unwell, please do not send them to the school
- We will shortly be releasing login information for our online learning platforms – you will receive a groupcall text about this. If you are need the loan of school equipment to access this, please contact your director of learning in the first instance so this can be allocated to you. This page will be populated over the course of the next two days to support online learning /194/remote-learning-portal-all-subjects
- Letter regarding the login for SAM Learning https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/hornsey/uploads/lettershome/SAM-learning-letter-180320.pdf?t=1584536398 is now online in the letters page
- Letter regarding login for GCSEPod https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/hornsey/uploads/lettershome/GCSE-Pod-letter-180320-final.pdf?t=1584780921
- A number of families have contacted about online resources - the website has been updated and a range of free resources are available /1986/other-free-online-resources-for-parents-carers-students
- We will be hosting an online workshop for families to support safe online behaviour on Monday. Information will be shared in due course.
We remain focused on trying to support our local community. What the past few days have shown us is that we have an incredible school community who trust and work together. Thank you for understanding that we are trying hard to ensure we keep our children safe and well without compromising the health and safety of staff or their families.
Please note there are likely to be significant changes in place for Monday 23rd March. Apologies in advance of this, we will get information to you about this as soon as we can.
Keep well one and all,
Ms Rahelu