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School Closure Update 23 March 2020
Thanks to everyone for your patience today as we worked across all of our staff teams to organise a learning grid to support your home learning efforts.
Teachers will be available to answer your queries via the email address for their department from this page /194/remote-learning-portal-all-subjects (you need to click on the subject area of the teacher you want to contact) - there are a range of different ideas, projects and lessons.
We will update this grid https://drive.google.com/file/d/1itWpqXdsdC-qdKiaAb-WDcOgJI0d6Mw1/view every friday, but its important to manage realistic timeframes and screen time, as well as being aware of the mental wellbeing of everyone undertaking isolation strategies. Our advice would be not to try and fully replicate the school day too rigorously as this will be difficult to maintain over a long period of time. Behaviours at home will change as this time prolongs. We appreciate today has been a challenge for many; we are happy to support you, please contact us if you think we can help.
Online learning: If your daughter is unsure about login details for the 3 main online platforms we use, directors of learning can be contacted (via the email in year teams on the above link) , additionally, a hard copy of information will be sent out in the next couple of days for all families/ carers. We also continue to update our wider resources so please do keep checking our website.
Please also note that we are hosting an online safety workshop for parents -it is very likely that all members of the family are going to have increased screen time - we want this to be safe. The session is led by Dr Rachel O'Connell and will help you understand how to manage and safeguard who your daughter is talking to online -please register here, its starts ay 7pm tonight (23/03/2020) and 12pm March 29th. The link is here https://trustelevate.com/veripass-video/ Also worth noting that by taking part you can win an ipad! This will no doubt help as screen time and online access is how we will support you further!
We are open as an emergency childcare provision from 9-3pm from tomorrow for the limited pre-booked students we have been in contact with. We only have a very small skeleton staff on site and you may not have direct contact from queries immediately as we follow guidance to operate as a closed school.
We need our school community to continue the way you have begun today. As a group of staff we have been incredibly heartened to support the work of our keyworkers to continue fighting the impact of COVID-19. Thank you to all of parents & carers who are undertaking this work.
Rest assured that the actions you are taking are part of a massive national effort to keep loved ones and vulnerable people safe. Each of you undertaking self isolation and staying home are helping. Your efforts are critical and valued. Thank you for helping keep us all safe.