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COVID-19 update 19 March 2020
Update 19th March 2020
Thank you for your patience as we navigate the new announcement that was made yesterday informing school leaders that their schools would be closed to the vast majority of students from tomorrow.
Yesterday we placed on our website information for parents and carers linking to our online learning platforms. You can see these letters here
Additionally, a senior member of staff visited classes today to check that students present could access the material online. There is an connected sub-page on our website providing different material for parents/ carers self-isolating to keep a broad range of subject areas available /1986/other-free-online-resources-for-parents-carers-students These will be updated regularly so please do keep checking.
If you would like a paper copy of learning materials, please can you contact Gail Beswick and arrange to collect these tomorrow? Her email is gail.beswick@hornseyschool.com
We wil be in contact with those parents/ carers of free school meals to offer additional support to your child. Please bear with us - this is 40% of our school cohort and make take a short period of time to arrange.
Year 11 and 13 will no longer be sitting exams. Information about how those grades will now be verified are going to be announced on Friday 20th March by the government. Year 11 and 13 have worked incredibly hard over the course of their GCSE's and we will consider how to mark this important transition in due course.
We will be maintaining the timetable sent on the Thursday update until tomorrow.
We have sent all parents and carers a survey. If you are a key worker, parent/ carer to a vulnerable child, or have a social worker, please do return it to us so we can be assisted in planning.
Tomorrow will be the last day that the school is open to all year groups. From Monday 23rd March we will be offering a reduced service to identified families.
We wish you all good health and speedy recoveries for those unwell.