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GCSE Results collection reminder
We are excited to see our year 11's next week collecting results. A reminder of the timings for the day
GCSE Results collection
GCSE results can be collected from school on Thursday 24th August from 9.00am –10:30am as we recognise students will need results for their next stages of work, training or further study.
All students should complete a destinations form as part of the process of collecting results.
On GCSE results day, students will receive transcripts of their results from the exam boards. However, formal certificates will not be available until November 2023 at the earliest dependent on the exam boards. As soon as these are available, we will make contact and arrange the collection of the certificates from reception.
Students should arrive at the LRC at the following times :
11L –arrive at 9:00 11E – arrive at 9:15
11A- arrive at 09:30 11R- arrive at 09:45
11N – arrive at 10:00 11S-arrive at 10:15
If you are unable to collect results on this day or time they will be posted to you. Any queries about collection please contact Ms McDermott by email.