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Parental update 4- Renaissance!
I hope you’ll be delighted to know that after successfully embedding new routines with our bubbles one and two over the last two weeks, we are now in a position to open up more of the school site to our school community as promised, safely and with enhanced safety protocols during these times. We are continuing to grow on-site presence and parents of year 10 students have been contacted for bubble 3 and 4 which will commence on the 29th June. Thank you to our parents, staff and students who have allowed us the time and space to plan & manage this new way of working.
Over the last few weeks, we have made a number of modifications to the site, allowing students and staff to re-establish themselves within the school and work together to identify key gaps in learning. You will know if you are a regular reader, that we have repeatedly asked our school community to approach all things with balance in mind – for wellbeing, for study and for every aspect of a new way of living and moving. We reiterate this key message as we open our doors and rebuild our school community together.
As outlined in government guidance shared last week, all schools have been asked to accommodate as many year groups as possible with some face to face time. We will be working with our heads of departments and directors of learning this week to finalise our plans to have all year groups into the school by the end of term. We will also be releasing end of term reports – with the caveat that they will have information from March for aspects like attendance as these are the last ‘official’ records for this school year.
Parents and carers will be informed of tutorials for all year groups over the course of the next two weeks, with the first of these wider academic review sessions scheduled for 6th July and will take place in the sports hall. Parents will be contacted between now and then to confirm timings of attendance for this time, and parents are very welcome to accompany their daughters if they so wish. Letters will be sent out in due course so please do keep an eye out for your allocated times. We will still be following social distancing protocols, even as we await the latest government guidance regarding possible changes to this.
This week also marked the start of our virtual tutoring programme - this is for year 10 who are receiving small group tutorials and taught sessions via their teachers across key subjects for each individual.
Finally, you may have heard the announcement made by Matt Hancock this evening that children and adults who are shielding have now will now have restrictions lifted. Guidance around this has not been shared at time of publishing, but we would urge you to consider this as we move to open the school fully for next academic year.
Finally, we have seen an increase in parents contacting the school around the emotional wellbeing of their children. Please can we remind all about the resources that we have highlighted previously, available /190/latest-news/post/179/wellbeing-info-for-our-school-community-march-25th-2020
We have committed to increasing our counselling provision when students return, but we are also in a position to offer these now if it would be helpful. Please do get in touch with your daughter's tutor if this is something that interests you.
Keep safe and well all.