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Parent consultation - Relationship & Sex Education
Dear Parents/Carers
From September 2020 the Department for Education made Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education compulsory in all schools. To ensure that we further promote the personal wellbeing and development of all students whilst meeting new statutory requirements we have worked hard to integrate any proposed changes in our RSE policy and curriculum content. We previously conducted parent consultation through our PSA group, but want to widen the input of this to all from within our diverse school community.
Our curriculum aim is to provide students with meaningful learning experiences that will equip them with the skills required to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future. Our proposed curriculum milestones and learning outcomes draw as relevant on the application of skills and knowledge identified in the Department for Education guidance and legislation, while ensuring a fluid and exciting learning journey for all.
We want parents to be well informed about the curriculum we offer around relationship and sex education, and give you an opportunity to respond to them. We therefore invite you to read the following key documents:
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy (Draft)
- RSE Curriculum Parental Consultation PowerPoint Presentation
- Examples of lessons across all year groups
All documents are available on our school website by clicking this link /189/subjects/subject/14/social-sciences with all information at the bottom of this page. The following useful resources may also provide you with a better insight of statutory changes.
- The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Statutory Guidance
- Understanding Relationships, Sex and Health Education at your Child’s Secondary School: A Guide for parents.
Your input and views are greatly valued and in order to provide your feedback to this consultation - this has now ended.
Thank you in advance for contributing.